How Well Do You Know Leonard Bernstein?

1. What Was Bernstein's given name at birth?
2. How many symphonies did Bernstein compose?
3. For which orchestra did Bernstein serve as music director?
Vienna Philharmonic
London Symphony Orchestra
Boston Symphony Orchestra
New York Philharmonic
4. How many works did Bernstein compose for film?
Four: "West Side Story," "On the Waterfront," "On the Town," and "Peter Pan"
Three: "West Side Story," "On the Waterfront," and "On the Town"
Two: "West Side Story" and "On the Waterfront"
One: "On the Waterfront"
5. Which of the following is NOT the title of a Bernstein work?
"Wonderful Town"
"Trouble in Tahiti"
"Singin’ in the Rain"
"Peter Pan"
6. Bernstein conducted an historical concert in honor of what major event?
JFK’s Inauguration
The Moon Landing
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
The Mets/Yankees "Subway Series"
7. Which Shakespeare play did Bernstein use to set the basis of "West Side Story?"
"Romeo & Juliet"
"Much Ado About Nothing"
8. Bernstein was famous for:
Walking off the podium during a performance of a Puccini opera
Creating the Young People's Concerts
Conducting the music for and appearing in Disney's "Fantasia"
Composing the theme for NBC's Nightly News
9. Which famous composer did Bernstein consider to be a mentor?
Aaron Copland
George Gerswhin
Duke Ellington
Samuel Barber
10. Which of the following is a Bernstein quote?
“The silence between the notes is as important as the notes themselves.”
“This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before.”
“Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music.”
All of the above
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