Duelingbook Gameplay Survey

What is your Duelingbook Username? (For anonymity, type "N/A".)
How long have you been on Duelingbook?
Less than 6 months.
About 1 year.
About 2 years.
About 3 years.
About 4 years.
In my opinion, I can't provide an opinion to consider valid.
I prefer not to say.
How long have you played in any of the Rated Duel Pools on Duelingbook?
Less than 6 months.
About 1 year.
About 2 years.
About 3 years.
About 4 years.
I prefer not to say.
How long have you played (or judged) sanctioned Yu-Gi-Oh! events? This includes in-person events like an OTS or a YCS, etc., alongside virtual events like Remote Dueling.
I have 0 experience for sanctioned event gameplay or judging.
I have less than 6 months of experience for sanctioned event gameplay or judging.
I have 1-5 yrs. of experience for sanctioned event gameplay or judging.
I have 6-10+ yrs. of experience for sanctioned event gameplay or judging.
I prefer not tell about my experience in sanctioned event gameplay or judging.
How long have you played (or judged) unofficial Yu-Gi-Oh events? (This includes any non-Konami tournament held on any automated or manual simulator that supports the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG or OCG Advanced Format.)
I have 0 experience for unofficial event gameplay or judging.
I have less than 6 months of experience for unofficial event gameplay or judging.
I have 1-5 yrs. of experience for unofficial event gameplay or judging.
I have 6-10+ yrs. of experience for unofficial event gameplay or judging.
I prefer not to tell about my experience in unofficial event gameplay or judging.
How would you feel if Duelingbook changed its method of deciding who first/second in a Match from Rock-Paper-Scissors (RPS) to Die/Dice Roll (1 die/2 dice) for Rated and/or Unrated Games?
I wouldn't like the change.
I'd be concerned or worried about the change.
I'd have no remarks (positive or negative) about the change.
I would like the change.
Why do you feel the way you do about a die/dice roll implementation?
If a change for rolling was confirmed to occur, what type of roll would you want implemented?
One die. (Singular.)
Two dice. (The plural of die is (2+) dice.)
I would have no preference.
Should a die/dice roll implementation be added to Unrated Games before being added into Rated Games ?
No. Add Die/Dice Roll in both Rated and Unrated immediately.
No. I don't support a die/dice roll addition in any capacity.
Yes. Die/Dice Roll should be experimented with Unrated first.
I have no preferences or opinion about the topic.
Would you like to leave a description/feedback note of this survey? (If not, type N/A.)
{"name":"Duelingbook Gameplay Survey", "url":"https://www.supersurvey.com/Q4L2XUAOC","txt":"What is your Duelingbook Username? (For anonymity, type \"N\/A\".), How long have you been on Duelingbook?, How long have you played in any of the Rated Duel Pools on Duelingbook?","img":"https://www.supersurvey.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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